"I bet their house is NEVER this dirty." "He probably doesn't yell at his wife." "I wish our marriage was as wonderful as So and So's." "Why can't you do nice things for me, her husband does those things for her?"
It's natural to compare ourselves to others. We compare our looks, careers, marriages and spouses to those around us or on television. We only see what a person is like on the surface and it causes us to have higher expectations for ourselves and our marriage.
Nothing and no one is perfect! When we try to measure up to what we believe someone else has or does we are only setting ourselves up for disappointment.
The truth is: your house will never be as spotless as your neighbors, your husband will never be as romantic as the man on the soaps, your marriage will never be 100% perfect.
Why?? Because there is no such thing as "perfect". When we stop comparing ourselves, our spouses, our children, our marriage and our lives to those around us we can see that everyone is the same in some form or another.
No one is going to have it all together. We all have our faults and we all have "stuff" that we go through. Those that live a lavish lifestyle also worry about the amount of money they have in the bank. How do we know that the couple that seems so in love almost divorced and have found their way back? Every couple argues and says things they regret at some point or another. In my opinion, those who say they have a perfect marriage are suffering more than those that expose it for others to see.
My parents had one of those "perfect" marriages when others were around. Behind closed doors it was a different story, they had dark secrets just like any other couple. My father was abusive towards my mother yet he held his temper when anyone was watching. When they were around family or friends they were the most loving and caring couple you would ever see. We show people only what we want them to see.
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