You know...that thing that gets in the way of being that fun spontaneous couple. That couple that couldn't keep their hands off of each other. The couple that thinks everything the other does is just so darn cute.
Ahh...those were the good old days!!
We get so caught up with life that we forget what brought us together. I know I am guilty of losing sight of why I fell in love with this wonderful blue eyed guy that I call husband. We started our marriage young and in love, we bought a house and then had a child. Years later we added two more additions to our family and the time we once made for each other seemed to slowly vanish. If you have children you know exactly what I am talking about. Conversations that were once about your hopes and dreams are now about bills and what activities your children have for the week.
We spend less time getting to know our spouse, because let's face it...after years of marriage is there really anything you don't already know about them? YES!!

Believe it or not there is so much you can still learn about each other. As the years go by we all change in some way or another. Our outlook on life can change, circumstances can cause us to see things differently than we once did. Just simply asking "hi honey, how was your day?" can teach you something you may not know. Take the time to listen and ask questions, get to know your spouse, your friend, your companion. One day your children will be grown and you'll become empty nesters...and then what?
It amazes me that we have no problem talking to strangers, yet we sit in silence across the table from our husbands or wives. Instead of nagging about what they aren't doing we should open our mouths and minds to what they ARE doing for us.
Talk to one another, not at one another!
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