Wednesday, March 4, 2015

35 Random Facts About Me

  1. I hate clowns, they are the most frightening things ever!
  2. I'm a huge Lucille Ball fan.
  3. I work better under pressure.
  4. I married a month shy of turning 20. This September we celebrate 15 years, yet I'm only 29! ;)
  5. When I was little I would cry if someone just stared at me. 
  6. I'm horrible at math. Like really, really horrible!
  7. My favorite color is purple.
  8. I'm not a materialistic person, the best things in life cannot be bought. 
  9. Italian food is so yummy! 
  10. I am an optimistic person and well...I married a pessimist. 
  11. My biggest pet peeve is smacking.
  12. Rodents terrify me. Hamsters are not cute!! 
  13. I forgive way too easily, it's a curse more than anything.
  14. I've only broken one bone in my life and it had to be my tailbone. 
  15. When I'm quiet you know something is wrong, otherwise I don't shut up. 
  16. I don't like spending money on myself, I always make sure my family gets their wants before I do.
  17. Tickling is the worst. Especially on my feet.
  18. I have this bad habit of having to have the last word, even if it's just a sigh. 
  19. If I could visit another country I would go to Australia.
  20. The night I discovered I was pregnant with our first was the same night I accepted Christ.
  21. I do my best to be completely honest with everyone, and I give respect where respect is due. 
  22. I get anxiety on highways. 
  23. My nickname as a child was Miss Piggy. I never understood it because I was a beanpole. 
  24. I am unorganized but yet I am a list person. I make lists for everything and usually end up losing them and have to start over.
  25. Ever since I moved away from home I have always spoken to my mother on the phone several times a day.
  26. I'm a Scorpio.
  27. I try not to hate but there are a handful of people I can honestly say I hate. I just can't help it. 
  28. If I could have one super power it would be the ability to read people's minds. Scary thought!! 
  29. I consider myself to be a pretty good judge of character. If someone rubs me the wrong way I know to keep my guard up. I'm not wrong too often. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it isn't a dog!
  30. I'm quick to apologize when I have hurt or wronged someone. 
  31. I'm a brunette with lots of blonde moments.
  32. One of my best memories as a child was baking with my Daddy. 
  33. My favorite quote is "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was.".
  34. I take all relationships seriously. 
  35. My husband and my children are the most valuable treasures in my life.

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