Do I want to forgive?? No!! Why should I forgive someone who is guilty of hurting me, whether it be by their words or their actions? What gives them the right to say or do something that is so hurtful and selfish, something that not only affected me, but also my children? I feel that if I forgive these individuals I am giving them the satisfaction of being able to move on and think "Oh good, she forgave me...all is well in the world."
I've wrestled with questions as to whether I have actually forgiven my husband long ago. Is that what this is all about? Is God saying that I haven't actually forgiven this man? No...He's not telling me it's my husband I should forgive. I've already done that, and I know in my heart exactly who he is talking about. I know who I am to forgive and more importantly why I should. I need to forgive the people that have spit their nasty words out at me. I need to forgive the disgusting being that so openly welcomed a married man, MY husband, into her arms and her bed. I need to forgive those that have hurt me in any way, shape or form in the past. As much as I don't want to, I know that I have to...not for them, not so that they can have a clear conscience for their actions. I have to do this for ME!! For my peace, for me to be able to completely let go of anger, hate and this heavy weight deep within me.
Am I saying that once I forgive them I will want them back in my life...absolutely not! I'm not stupid, but I am ready to release the animosity I feel in my heart. I'm ready to know that if I ever cross paths with any of them I can accept who they truly are and what they are capable of. I can look at them and not want to wring their necks but instead hold my head high and show myself that I am better than that.
I've spent too long giving my thoughts to people that do not deserve a fraction of myself. They have shown me the type of person I never want to be and that sometimes when a person is damaged themselves they have no problem hurting others. It's easy for me to say that those who hurt others are cruel, selfish and horrible human beings but in all honesty I know they are not. At some point they were a part of my life, family I loved, friends I enjoyed, acquaintances and strangers I may have been cordial to and wanted to get to know better if they had not betrayed me in some way. Unfortunately, I saw the ugly side of those people and they have taught me that I no longer have time nor want anyone that doesn't display love and respect for me or my family in my life.
A sad part of being hurt is learning to forgive even when you have not and will never receive a sincere apology from the one that hurt you. Some people are not capable of swallowing their pride and accepting responsibility for their wrong doings. I do believe that the guilt will eventually eat at them and maybe, just maybe they will step up one day and try to right their wrongs. If we sit and wait for the day we hear "I'm sorry" we may be in waiting for the rest of our lives. We must find a way to forgive so that we ourselves can finally have peace.

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