Aaron and I met seventeen years ago, I worked for his mother and I had the typical school girl crush. So you could imagine how giddy I was when he asked me out on our first date. I was so nervous and as we approached the car he opened the door for me, I remember thinking "I could get use to this." What a great start to the evening, and it made me fall for him even harder. He was so respectful and just a great person to get to know.
Our relationship moved very quickly, we spent every possible day together. During the workday he would come by and visit, bring me roses and just stay close by my side. We had a great relationship, always happy and we grew closer as each day passed. There wasn't much that we didn't agree on. We spoke about the future and how we each wanted to raise our children. Our future goals and how what we expected from our spouses if we ever married. We dated for a year and then he asked me to marry him. Our wedding was absolutely perfect! Not because it was big and fancy, but because I could feel the love this man had for me.
After marriage we became closer and closer, we were inseparable and untouchable. The love we shared was strong and over time we welcomed three precious little lives into our world. Life was picture perfect. We created some wonderful memories and there isn't a time I look back and think "I wish that never happened." We were truly happy and in love. I never once doubted his love for me and I tried to be the best wife to him. I know that over the years I have made some mistakes. I've neglected him at certain times but I have always done my best to make him happy.
Marrying young was a challenge; we were both growing as individuals and as a couple. Throwing children in the mix was just another added challenge. After our daughter was born our lives seemed to flip upside down. She was a blessing, and even before her birth we knew she would face certain health issues but nothing she couldn't overcome. Shortly after she was born he started working nights and once again our lives were jumbled. Before the added stress of a sick child and insane work schedule we always seemed to remain close and make things work. We weren't use to dealing with major struggles and sadly, we failed at it.

Sadly, we can't go back and change things. All we can do is reach into our hearts and pull that strong, loving couple back to the surface. We are doing great these days, he and I are happy and keep reminding each other why we fell in love so long ago. After all that we have been through I have no doubt that we can overcome any obstacle we may face in the future. We have grown and learned from our mistakes, we are back to protecting our marriage as we did when we first exchanged our vows. Certain aspects of our relationship will never be the same but our love is one that remains everlasting.
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